Ryle's enduring expositions on the Gospels are endowed with his
understanding of life and people.Ryle's chief aim is to help the reader
to know Christ
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J. C. Ryle |
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Rich in devotional
applications that cut to the heart of a text, Ryle's enduring expositions
on the Gospels are endowed with his understanding of life and people.
Ryle's chief aim is to help the reader to know Christ.
The theological stand-point which the writer of this Commentary occupies
will be obvious to any intelligent reader. Such an one will see at a
glance that I belong to that school in the Church of England which,
rightly or wrongly, is called "Evangelical". He will see that I have no
sympathy whatever with either Romish or Neologian tendencies. He will see
that I hold firmly the distinctive theological views of the Reformers and
doctrinal Puritans, and that I totally disapprove the loose and broad
theology of some modern schools of divines.I abhor the idea of wrestling
and warping God's Word in order to make it support party views. Throughout
this Commentary I have endeavoured honestly and conscientiously to find
out the real meaning of every sentence on which I have commented. other
commentators if occasion required; but when I have done so I have tried to
do it with courtesy and respect.
Author: J. C. Ryle
Publisher: Baker
Format: 4 Volumes - Hardcover
Publication Year: 2007
Condition: New
Title:Expository Thoughts on the Gospels